

Grace Episcopal Church (“Grace” or “church”) seeks to maintain safe and secure facilities for its staff, parishioners, visitors, and others who use the church building. At the same time, Grace strives to help its neighbors and community whenever and wherever possible. Keeping this balance in mind, Grace has adopted the following rules for behavior and for the use of church property:

  • Individuals must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws on church premises.
  • Individuals must obey the reasonable direction of church staff, lay leadership of the church, or church members.
  • Individuals may not camp or construct long- or short-term shelters at the church or on church property.
  • The church and its grounds are a smoke, tobacco, vapor, and drug-free environment.

In accordance with the above rules, the following behaviors, actions, and items are prohibited on church property:

  1. Belongings left unattended for an extended period or stored in the church or on church premises for an extended time, without prior authorization of church staff. The church will not assume liability for such items which are subject to immediate removal and disposal, at the discretion of the Rector, Deacon, Senior Warden, or Junior Warden.
  2. Harassment of any kind or the intentional annoyance of any church staff member, parishioner, or visitor.
  3. Behavior that is disruptive to church use.
  4. Indecent conduct or exposure of one’s person.
  5. Using abusive or threatening language.
  6. Being in non-public areas of the church without permission or being in the church after normal business hours without permission.
  7. Being visibly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
  8. Use of alcohol unless permitted by church leadership.
  9. Urinating or defecating in or on church property in areas other than in designated restrooms.
  10. Blocking exits, aisles, or entrances, either with one’s physical presence or belongings.
  11. Weapons of any kind unless carried by an authorized law enforcement officer.

Trespass: Those who violate any of the above will be asked to conform their behavior to the rules of the church or they will be asked to leave by the Rector, the Deacon, the Senior Warden, or the Junior Warden. If a person refuses to leave following a request to do so, law enforcement will be notified and an official trespass notice may result.

Adopted by the Vestry of Grace Episcopal Church 4/23/2024